People with Energy are one of the UK's leading oil and gas recruitment companies. If you have experience in this field or are looking to start a new career, then please get in contact with us and we can discuss how a wide variety of jobs within this sector. Whatever kind of role you're looking for, please get in contact with us and we can discuss your opportunities.
Oil and Gas Jobs
If you're a gas and oil UK based company then we can help you find the perfect candidates for any and all of the jobs in your business and associated operations. With a proven track record in this competitive area, we're sure we can help you source the people you need.
Offshore Recruitment
Offshore recruitment can be a difficult task with many candidates dissuaded from such opportunities due to personal commitments and the tough nature of this work. We can however still help your business find the very best people for these rewarding roles.
UK Oil Jobs Opportunities
UK oil jobs represent some of the most lucrative and rewarding opportunities in the country. With oil production from North Sea gas fields predicted to go on for at least another fifty years, these still can be a long term career choice.
Listed Job Vacancies in Oil and Gas Jobs
We carefully screen all potential candidates for our listed job vacancies in oil and gas jobs. We have a stringent and precise selection process, which ensure that we only put forward the most suitable people for each position in your operation.
Offshore Jobs in the UK
Offshore jobs in the UK represent an excellent opportunity to start a career in the oil and gas industry, with substantial rewards and career development possibilities open to candidates willing to take on the challenge of working in these arduous conditions.