Denmark is located in North Europe and consists of the greater part of the Jutland Peninsula as well as a number of islands in the Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea and North Sea such as Greenland and the Faroe Islands. It is bound by Skagerrak to the north, Kattegat and Baltic Sea to the east, the North Sea to the west and Germany to the south. |
Estonia is a former republic of the USSR. It is bound by Latvia to the south, Russia to the east, the Baltic Sea to the west and the Gulf of Finland to the north. |
Finland is located in North Europe. It is bound by Russia to the east, the Gulf of Finland to the south, the Gulf of Bothnia and Sweden to the west and Norway to the north. |
Latvia is a former republic of the USSR. It is bound by the Baltic Sea to the west, the Gulf of Riga and Estonia to the north, Russia to the east, Belarus to the southeast and Lithuania to the south. |
Lithuania is a former republic of the USSR. It is bound by the Baltic Sea to the west, Latvia to the north, Poland and the Kalinigrad Oblast of Russia to the southwest as well as Belarus to the south and east. |
Norway is located on the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula in North West Europe. It is bound by the Arctic Ocean to the north, Sweden, Finland and Russia to the east, the Norwegian Sea to the west and the Skagerrak Strait to the south. |
Sweden is located on the east side of the Scandinavian Peninsula in North Europe. It is bound by Finland, the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic Sea to the east, Kattegat to the southwest and Norway to the west and northwest. |
Source: www.atlapedia.com