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Hermansen, B. & J. B. Jensen (2000): Digital Sea Bottom Sediment Map around Denmark. Danmarks og Groenlands Geologiske Undersoegelse, Rapport 68, 2000.
This map is based on the map of Hermansen, B. & J. B. Jensen (2000): Digital Sea Bottom Map around Denmark. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Kopenhagen and data of the German Federal Office for Shipping and Hydrography (BSH).
H-Ch. Reimers
State Agency for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology of Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania (LUNG), Germany.
State Office for Environment and Nature in Rostock (STAUN) Rostock, GIS Küste M-V. Version 2.0.
Provided by:
L. Tiepolt
State Office for Environment and Nature in Rostock (STAUN) Rostock, Germany.
Emeljanov, E., Neumann, G. & W. Lemke (1993): Bottom Sediments of the Western Baltic. Baltic Sea Research Institute (IOW), Germany
P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Atlantic Branch, Russia.
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- Tauber, F. & W. Lemke (1995): Map of sediment distribution in the Western Baltic Sea (1:100.000), sheet: Darss. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift, 47, 3, pp. 171-178.
- Bobertz, B. (1996).Untersuchen der regionalen Verteilung granulometrischer Eigenschaften der Oberflächensedimente der Pommernbucht mit geostatischen Verfahren und ihre genetische Interpretation. Diploma Thesis, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, pp. 53pp.
Geological Map of the Baltic Sea Bottom. 1:200 000. J. E. Mojski (scientific editor). Polish Geological Institute, Warsaw, 1989-1995, (17 sheets)
Digitised version provided by:
J. Urbanski, Gdansk University, Poland
Gulbinskas, S. (1995): Recent Bottom Sediment Distribution in the Curonian Lagoon - Baltic Sea Sedimentary Area. Geografijos metrastis, t. 28 Vilnius, pp. 296-314.
Digitised by:
M. Popova, Coastal Research and Planning Instiute, Klaipeda University, Lithuania.
Striebrins, O. & P. Valing (1996): Bottom Sediments of the Gulf of Riga. 1: 200 000. Riga, 54 pp.
Digitised by:
Institute of Aquatic Ecology, University of Latvia.
detailed maps for selected regions
1a-d Rantataro, J. (1992): Mapping of Sea Floor Deposits
2. Häkkinen, A. (1989): Seafloor Sand and Gravel Investigations on Gullkrona fjärden, The Archipelago Sea, 1989. Turku 1990.
3. Lehtoranta, J.: Unpublished map of the accumulation areas offshore from Tammisaari region. Finnish Environment Institute and Geological Survey of Finland.
Prepared by:
Baltic Sea Research Institute (IOW), Germany
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