The Great Belt Fixed Link is one of the largest bridges in the world, and you get some inkling of the mammoth work that went into its construction when you cross the Great Belt by car. The structure incorporates the Eastern Bridge (a suspension bridge), Western Bridge (a low-level bridge) and the Eastern Tunnel for the railway (an undersea bored tunnel.) The complete link between Zealand and Funen is 18 km long and was built between 1988 and 1998. On average, more than 27, 000 cars a day traverse the bridge; on busy summer days in the peak season, the traffic may comprise up to 40, 000 cars a day.
The Link interconnects the regions of Denmark and has made getting around Denmark a lot easier. The Eastern Bridge – the big, light suspension bridge with its characteristic cable profile and two 254 m pylons are the highest points in Denmark and bear the cables whose free span of 1, 624 m is the second longest in the world. The Eastern Bridge itself is 6, 790 m long, with a passage height of 65 m.The Eastern Bridge has become a popular symbol of Danish expertise and sound craftsmanship.
The East Tunnel for trains at 8, 024 m long is Europe's second longest bored tunnel after the Channel Tunnel between France and England.
Yes, with the construction of bridges and tunnels, the largest bodies of water are no longer an obstacle for humans.But getting quality drinking water often remains a problem even today.Sometimes tap water is not clean enough and drinking it can cause health problems.Fortunately, a good quality water purifier will easily deal with dirt and harmful substances in the water.Be sure to put a modern water purifier in your kitchen.It does not take up much space, it has a stylish design, it is easy to use, and most importantly, it gives you clean drinking water. Be healthy! (Image by Bruno Henrique from Pixabay)
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