It is our great pleasure to announce that the registration for the 6th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is NOW OPEN! -
Join us on in the charming city next to the Baltic Sea – Jūrmala (Latvia) for the 6th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region!
The 2015 Annual Forum, entitled ‘Achieving e-Quality by Connecting the Region’, will focus on digitalization, connectivity, as well as competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region. The agenda will provide for an opportunity to discuss questions related to blue growth, business opportunities, energy, spatial planning, health, culture, tourism, science and other topics of regional significance. It will also be a moment for the main stakeholders of the EUSBSR to look at progress in implementing the Strategy, to discuss what still needs to be done to realise the full potential of the EUSBSR and bring more positive changes to the people in the Baltic Sea region and the whole of the EU.
Register for the event TODAY, as tomorrow it might be too late! The deadline for registration is and the number of seats is limited.
We look forward to welcoming you in Jūrmala!
Growing closer to confront common challenges: 5th Annual Forum of the EU Baltic Sea Strategy -
Tackling challenges from competitiveness to climate change and from energy to education, countries around the Baltic Sea are stepping up their cooperation as the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) moves into its fifth year.
EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn will attend the Annual Forum on the EUSBSR and the 16th Baltic Development Forum Summit, which take place in Turku, Finland on 3-4 June. Many leaders, high-level politicians and experts, as well as key business figures are set to participate.
The Forum will be attended by over 1, 000 representatives from the private sector, regional businesses, civil society, academia and media in the Baltic Sea Region, including from Russia, Norway and Iceland. The Forum will look to further improve co-operation within the Macro-Region under the theme “Growing Together - For a prosperous, inclusive and connected Baltic Sea Region.”