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The North Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 invites the submission of applications for funding under all programme priorities from .
Project applicants may submit both expressions of interest and full applications within this period. Projects will be assessed over the summer break and decisions will be taken by the programme Steering Committee in autumn 2015.
This call includes the possibility to apply for State Aid under the de minimis rules and under Article 20 of the General Block Exemption Regulation (651/2014).
Please note: A new two-step application procedure has been put in place for the 2014 - 2020 period. This means that all project developers are first asked to submit an expression of interest. If the programme’s Steering Committee approves the expression of interest, the project will be asked to develop and submit a full application. If this is approved, the project will receive a contract and can start work.
For this first call only, projects are able to submit either an expression of interest or a full application – meaning that it is possible to skip the expression of interest.
All applications must be submitted through the new online monitoring system.
Below you will find background and guidance documents for the call.
All related documents were endorsed by the Programme Preparation Steering Group on 15 April 2015. However, please note that they are still subject to final approval by the Monitoring Committee to be established once the Cooperation Programme has been adopted by the European Commission.
Background information
Cooperation Programme and Citizen Summary
Project life cycle
Submitted project ideas
Guidance for first call
General guidance including special guidance for the first call
About the online monitoring system (including tutorials)
Things to consider for your digital submission
Application forms (for information only - submission in the online monitoring system)