“It is not an object which is man made in modern time. What ever it is it’s either from during the ice age or pre-ice age.” – Peter Lindberg, February 24, 2013 “The object is older than 140.000 yrs. Older than that… with straight angles/lines – rounded corners… much like a “dinner plate” and separate from the base below.” – Dennis Asberg, September 28, 2012
There are THREE objects of interest – 1) the main 60 meter circular anomaly, 2) a smaller secondary object lying approx. 200 meters from the 1st anomaly with an area shaped like two “Gothic church windows” and 3) a third anomaly – a 28 meters high and 275 meters wide rock outcrop with a crack running through it, lying some 1500 metres South of the circular object, direct on the other end of the “trail”. The team has stated Anomaly 2 might turn out to be the most interesting than the first, and they plan to dive on it this time around
There are two holes on the anomaly. One is 25 centimeters in diameter, and the other is 2 meters surrounded by a square formation. It’s not yet known where the holes lead. “What I do not believe because I know, is the fact that we found a round hole approx 25 cm in diameter going straight into the surface of the circle, how odd is not that? How deep? No idea, we just saw it for some seconds before we decided to back off to preserve the visibility for the divers that was going down later on
It looks like there are stair-like structures on the top right side (North-East) as well as the lower bottom left (South-West) of the 60 meter circular object. (Peter confirmed the “staircase” reference was only an example to describe what he saw and that steps on the lower south-west side are comprised of 8 steps with each step a 1 meter drop starting from the missing section on the left.)
“The staircase comment was slipped from my mouth, and probably too early. I have seen something that looks like a stair, or steps, on the Multi Beam raw data. And it looks like they are going from the missing part on the left side of the side scan image from last year and down to the bottom. I could only count eight of them and that should mean that every step should be like a meter high which is a bit to high for a person to use. If there actually are something that looks like steps they probably just natural.” – Peter Lindberg, – June 28, 2012 “Someone asked about the stairs, there is stair shaped formations but I do not know if I have got it right. I thought they were on one side but on the Multi beam image they appeared to be on an other side. I will come back to the stairs when I can study an image from a different angle.Follow me on Twitter -