Countries on the Baltic Sea

April 20, 2017
Danish Prime Minister Helle

Third Country Participation in the Baltic Sea region (TCPBSR) funding aims to promote economically, environmentally and socially sustainable growth in the Baltic Sea Region and its vicinity and thereby contribute to greater integration.

International co-operation that includes more and more countries makes it easier to tackle common challenges. SI therefore wants to give you the opportunity to scale up an ongoing EU project. TCPBSR is an offer extended to Swedish organisations wishing to apply for funding in order to co-operate with non-EU countries in an EU project. TCPBSR aims to establish and develop networks between Swedish actors and countries in Sweden’s vicinity.

A further aim is to give the partner countries involved a closer understanding of and greater access to the EU’s structures and networks. This in turn facilitates international co-operation in the long term and also gives current EU projects a broader reach and a new dimension.

What type of project?

Projects applying for TCPBSR funding must contribute to economically, environmentally and socially sustainable growth in the Baltic Sea Region and its vicinity and thereby contribute to integration in the area. The projects are to tackle a common challenge in the macro region and benefit all participating actors.

In addition, the projects must be clearly linked to policies in the region, to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, EU Eastern Partnership and/or to the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP).

SI provides project funding in three priority areas:

  • An ecologically sustainable region
  • Sustainable growth for increased prosperity
  • Challenges to the region

How do I apply?

  1. In the instruction you will find the information you need in order to understand our requirements, the priorities in the call, the application process, and how SI assesses applications.

Who can apply and take part in the partnership?

A Swedish organisation must be the lead applicant. The partnership must comprise Sweden and at least one eligible country:

  • Sweden (lead applicant)
  • Georgia
  • Moldavia
  • Russia
  • Ukraine
  • Belarus

Organisations from other countries in the Baltic Sea Region – Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany and Iceland – are of course welcome to take part in the project, as are other EU member countries, but without funding from SI.

We encourage co-operation between Swedish and foreign actors from the public, private and non-profit sectors. SI welcomes applications from one or more of the following actors:

  • Non-governmental organisations
  • Business companies
  • Local authorities, regional authorities, regional development councils and county councils
  • Higher educations institutions and research institutes
  • Intergovernmental organisations
  • Business and trade organisations
  • Government agencies

Project period and project funding

The project may last for no longer than two years and funds are available totalling SEK 350, 000 (for one year) or SEK 700, 000 (for two years). The minimum amount that can be applied for, regardless of the length of the project, is SEK 200, 000.

See also:
  • Delavnica
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