Weather and sea bulletin for north- and baltic sea issued by marine weather service Hamburg , 17.37 UTC. General synoptic situation: severe gale centre 964 southeast of iceland, weakening a little, moving eastsoutheast. trough 990 southsweden, 1010 central germany, moving east. this evening wave 1010 westgermany to ireland, stationary. large high 1037 azores, weakening. ridge 1030 southfrance, 1025 austria, eastern part weakening.
in the next 12 hours in the following forecast areas strong winds or gales are expected: german bight southwestern northsea ijsselmeer fischer dogger forties viking utsira skagerrak belts and sound western baltic southern baltic boddengewaesser east southeastern baltic central baltic northern baltic gulf of riga english channel western part english channel eastern part
forecast valid until tomorrow noon:
German Bight: west 6, northern part for a time 7, later decreasing a little, shower squalls, sea increasing 4 metre.
Southwestern Northsea: southwest to west 6 to 7, humber 5, for a time decreasing a little, misty, sea 2, 5 metre.
Fisher: west 6, increasing a little, shower squalls, sea increasing 4 metre.
Dogger: southwest to west 6 to 7, later decreasing about 5, shower squalls, sea increasing 3, 5 metre.
Forties: west 6 to 7, for a time increasing a little, thundery gusts, sea increasing 5 metre.
Viking: west 6 to 7, increasing a little, thundery gusts, sea increasing 6 metre.
Utsira: west 5 to 6, increasing a little, thundery gusts, sea increasing 6 metre.
Skagerrak: southwest to west 5 to 6, shower squalls, sea 3 metre.
Kattegat: southwest 5, later increasing a little, shower squalls, sea 1, 5 metre.
Belts and Sound: southwest to west about 5, at times misty, sea 1 metre.
Western Baltic: southwest to west about 5, at times misty, sea first 1, 5 metre.
Southern Baltic: southwest 5 to 6, shifting slowly west, at times misty, sea first 2, 5 metre.
Boddengewaesser East: southwest about 5, shifting slowly west, at times misty, sea first 1 metre.
Southeastern Baltic: south 6 to 7, decreasing a little, slowly shifting southwest to west, at times misty, sea first 2, 5 metre.
Central Baltic: south 7, decreasing 5 to 6, slowly shifting southwest to west, at times misty, sea first 3 metre.
Northern Baltic: south 7, decreasing about 4, western part shifting slowly southwest, at times misty, sea first 3 metre, at the coast isolated sea ice.
Gulf of Riga: south 6 to 7, later decreasing 5, at times misty, sea 2 metre, at the coast isolated sea ice.
Englishchannel western part: english channel western part: west to southwest 6 to 7, decreasing slowly a little, at times misty, sea 4 metre.
Englishchannel eastern part: english channel eastern part: west to southwest 7, decreasing slowly a little, at times misty, sea increasing 4 metre.
IJsselmeer: southwest to west about 5, later increasing 6 to 7, misty, sea 1 metre.
outlook valid until tomorrow night:
German Bight: west 5 to 6.
Southwestern Northsea: southwest to west 6 to 7, northern part 5.
Fisher: west 6 to 7.
Dogger: west 6 to 7, decreasing a little.
Forties: west 6 to 7.
Viking: west 7 to 8, decreasing a little.
Utsira: west 6 to 7.
Skagerrak: southwest to west 6.
Kattegat: southwest 5 to 6.
Belts and Sound: southwest to west 5, at times decreasing a little.
Western Baltic: southwest to west about 5.
Southern Baltic: southwest to west 5 to 6.
Boddengewaesser East: southwest to west 4 to 5.
Southeastern Baltic: southwest to west 5 to 6.
Central Baltic: southwest to west about 5.
Northern Baltic: southwesterly winds about 4.
Gulf of Riga: south 5, shifting southwest, decreasing 4.
english channel western part: southwest to west 6, decreasing a little.
Englishchannel eastern part: english channel eastern part: southwest to west 6 to 7, decreasing a little.
IJsselmeer: southwest to west 6 to 7.
Trend Northsea: monday: southwest to west 5 to 6, first locally 7, shifting northwest. tuesday: northwest to north 5 to 6, southern part first 4, shifting north. wednesday: north to northwest about 5.